Here’s a short collection of some of my recent anthropological work on memes from reactionary spaces online. More to come in 2022.
As part of the unnamed memes research group at Critica Research:
In coordination with two other researchers, Hari Prasad and David Foran, I have been working on archiving and analyzing the production and use of memes by the global right-wing. My writing, through an affiliation with Critica Research, is demarcated below, both alongside my co-authors and on my own.
“What’s in a Meme? The Rise of ‘Saint Kyle‘” (29 October 2020) with David Foran and Hari Prasad. GNET.
“Can the Right Meme? (And How?): A Comparative Analysis of Three Online Reactionary Meme Subcultures” (13 December 2021) with Hari Prasad and David Foran. GNET.
See also this article from The Beacon featuring a brief interview related to the report.
Other independent writing:
“‘Let’s Go Brandon’: A test case for subversion, amplification, and commodification in the post-Trump American right‘” (25 October 2021). GNET.
“From Orange to Red: An Assessment of the Dark MAGA Trend in Far-Right Online Spaces” (5 April 2022) with Daniel Grober. GNET.